Birds of Missouri

House Sparrow

Source:Rhododendrites,"House sparrow male in Prospect Park," November 2022, Wickimedia Commons

Male house sparrows are brightly colored birds with gray heads white cheecks and a black bib.

American Goldfinch

Source: Craig Houghton "American Goldfinch Winter," February 2006, Wickimedia commons

Male American Goldfinches are bright yellow with black foreheads, black wings, and white patches around the tail.

American Robin

Source:Sujit Kumar, "American Robin," March 2008, wickimedia commons,

American robins are gray-brown with orange breasts and dark heads

Eastern Bluebird

Source: William H. Majoros,"7Z1E4970,"April 2010, Wikimedia commons

Male Eastern Bluebirds are deep blue and brick-red on the throat and breast

House Finch

Source: John Brighenti,"House Finch (60642856636)" November 2020, Wikimedia Commons

Male house finch have red faces and upper breasts and brown stomachs and tails.

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